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Day Care Facility

Day Care

Day care is a special program to cater for children between one and three years whose parents are not able to stay with them before mid-day. These are collected in the afternoon (i.e., from 12:00pm-1:00pm). Under day-care we do not offer academic work but entertainment and social skills. These include:
1. Speech practice that includes: storytelling, rhymes, poems, riddles, conversations, news telling and impromptu speeches
2. Sports activities like: field events, outside games like, swinging, sliding and sand play
3. Modelling using clay and paper
4. Video watching where children watch only edited, educative and entertaining movies for their age
5. Paper work which involves: drawing, coloring, cutting and pasting
6. Open dancing, which is done once a week using already recorded music

The above special activities take place after children have had their nap and refreshment. They are normally served with watermelon, bananas, juice and eggs plus other fresh fruits available. Please take advantage of the day care facility to ease your very busy schedule.